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Thursday, September 5, 2024

On The Historic Golf Links


READY FOR A ROUND. Golfers at the Lake Morey Country Club check in to play around 1940. The course was established about 1910-1912 as part of the adjacent resort at the south end of Lake Morey. Over the years it has been the site of the Vermont Open and other tournaments. (courtesy photo)

Bob and Linda Stoddard of North Haverhill created the Blackmount Country Club nine-hole golf course from their farm pastures on Clark Pond Road.  It open in 1996 after three years of planning and construction.  Since then, the couple has been Blackmount's greenskeepers, clubhouse operators and tournament or organizers. (JO photo by Larry Coffin)
Journal Opinion , August 28, 2024

Locally, there have been ten golf courses established over the years; some public, others private. Some were closely connected with tourism, others representing community residents.  There were both designer courses and some just pastures that doubled as links.  Of the ten, seven have closed, their fairways no longer discernable. Only Bradford Golf Club, Lake Morey Country Club and Blackmount Country Club still operate.

The first part of this column deals with six of the closed courses as described in a 2008 column entitled “Lost Golf Courses.”  It is followed by the history of the three remaining courses. Sources include local newspapers, town histories, Facebook entries, and personal interviews. 

 In 1900, the Pike Manufacturing Company established a nine-hole course on Pike’s Back Bay Road. It was one of many company-sponsored activities reflecting the interests of company president E. Bertram Pike.

 It was described as little more than a cow pasture without a clubhouse or formal name. The greens were set off with split rail fences.  About 1925, the course fell into disrepair.

Pike’s interest was also reflected in the establishment of Piermont’s Lake Tarleton Club in 1909. Between 1911 and 1916, a nine-hole course was laid out by the renowned Scottish golf course architect Donald J. Ross. In the mid-1930s, Ross added an additional nine holes for a complete eighteen.

Available for the guests of the Lake Tarleton resort, the course was sometimes open to the public. It was described as “a PGA-type course” with wide fairways along Route 25C.

Local youth joined caddies from Boston who came for the summer. Sometimes, while playing after-hours, the caddies would share the fairways with bears. 

When the resort closed in the early 1970’s, the course began to revert to nature and soon vanished.

While most of these golf courses could be described as scenic, the Mt. Moosilauke Golf Course on the Carriage Road in Warren was majestic. Established for the guests of the Mt. Moosilauke Inn in the early 1900s, its nine holes rolled over the mountain’s foothills.

 It was described by locals as a “hilly course” and sometimes called “the St. Andrews of the Mountains,” in reference to the fabled Scottish course.

In 1953, the old inn burned and was replaced by a smaller building. The course was then opened to the public, but began to decline. In 1982, the property became part of the White Mountain National Forest, and both the inn and the course were closed.

The Wells-Woods Golf Club opened in Wells River in 1925.  This nine-hole course was created out of the cow pastures of two farms on Bible Hill. 

It was described as “a short informal course, just pasture land with New England rocks and lots of sand.” There were no real fairways and there were pastured cows. “You got a preferred lie if your ball landed in a cow patty.”   

The greens were surrounded by electric fences to keep out the cows.  Despite its rustic conditions, the course attracted many players and hosted competition between players from other courses. It closed in 1946 and today there is little evidence that this “sporty “course ever existed.

The course that was probably least well-known was Shanty Shane in Thetford. It was part of a family camp that opened in 1911.  Golf was played on the hills adjacent to the south end of Lake Fairlee off Robinson Hill Road.  It was “a practice nine-hole golf course…popular despite the competition of the nearby model eighteen-hole course.”.

In the late 1940s, it was operated as the Lake Fairlee Club. Financially unsuccessful, it declined in the early 50s. 

In the early 1960s, the Bonnie Oakes Resort established a nine-hole golf course along the west side of Maurice Robert Memorial  Road at the north end of Lake Morey.

 “It was a tough little course with narrow, short fairways and small greens. Lots of ball hunting. The sixth hole was straight up a hill, the flag invisible from the tee. The lake view from that green was beautiful.”

In 1977, the resort was sold and the course fell into disrepair. By 1983 it was closed.

The fairways and greens of these six courses are barely evident to those who know of their existence.  They have reverted to meadow grass, brush or lawns for homes.

Since the original six were listed in 2008, another local course has closed.  The Hanover Country Club was laid out in the 1890s. In 1899, Dartmouth College acquired the course and, in 1920 added a second nine holes. 

In 2020, the college closed the course, citing financial concerns.  In the four years since the carefully- manicured course has begun to revert to more natural undergrowth. 

 Despite the closure of these seven courses, the passion for the game has not abated.  For many the challenge of golf has transferred to the three local courses that currently exist. What follows is a description of those courses’ formative years.

The first newspaper mentions of what was to become the Lake Morey Country Club was in 1910.  It was proposed  to be  part of the new Kaulin Inn at the south end of Lake Morey and scheduled to open the following season. The site had previously been farmland. In 1895, it had been the site of the annual encampment of the Vermont Guard.

The original nine holes occupied the area now used for holes #1 to #6 and #18. Susan Avery’s historical sketch mentioned: ”Hand sythes (sic) and a one-horse three-gang mower combination accomplished the maintenance duties.”

 In 1926, the course advertised its plan to “enlarge into an ideal eighteen-hole course.” The back nine holes were added in 1929.

 From the beginning, the course catered to summer lake visitors and was advertised as a major attraction to the Inn.

In 1934, the publication Golfing in Vermont, included the following description, “While not as hilly as some Vermont courses, it offers a variety of play. Greens (new in 1932) are excellent and fairways are wide and well kept.” Fee for public was $1.50 per day and free to inn guests.

 Mentions of the course in local newspapers prior to the 1950 were generally limited to accidents, airplane landings, hole-in-one accomplishments. and an occasional tournament.    

Until the late 1940s, golfers checked in at the Inn and then crossed the road to meet caddies and begin play.  When I caddied in the mid-1950s, a pro shop had been built adjacent to the first hole. By the early 1960s, caddies were replaced by golf carts.

 In 1947, after the lean depression and war years, the inn and course took on new life under the ownership of Frank Ward. Susan Avery mentioned, “Mr. Ward and his family, more than anyone before, deeded to the inn a color and zest for nearly a generation, relinquishing ownership in June ’72 to the Avery Family…”

Under Ward’s ownership, the golf course was the host to a number of tournaments.  About 1954, Ward was able to bring the Vermont Open to Lake Morey.  The Open had not been played  for three seasons with no course willing to host it.  In 1955, the Open offered a $1500 guaranteed purse, with Ward providing a portion of the funding. 

The Vermont Open has been an almost annual event at Lake Morey. Other tournaments have included the Women’s State Golf Day, a Caddie Golf Tournament, a Shrine Golf Tournament, and an annual two-man best ball tournament. 

By the mid-1970s,” the course featured new bunkers and tees” along with “updated course management, and a remodeled clubhouse.” The course continued to attract both tourists and local golfers to its challenging fairways and greens.

The Bradford Golf Course was created in 1926 when a group of local businessmen decided the community needed a golf course. The group purchased Doe Meadow and Bradford Hotel owner Bill Gale designed the nine-hole course.  The first year was deemed a success with “liberal patronage.”

In 1928, a season ticket could be purchased for $25 with playing privileges for a man and wife. A single ladies’ ticket was $15. For the first few years, maintenance was done largely by volunteers.

Initially, the first tee was on the back lawn of the hotel, now the area adjacent to the Bradford Post Office.  The first green was down over the hill, and holes #2 and 3 followed the bank on the west side of the course.  That layout continued until the new clubhouse was built in 1951. The holes were realigned with the old 7th hole becoming hole #1 along the east side of the course.  

During the years of the Great Depression, the course faced financial hardships. In 1940 seasonal membership fees had been reduced to $10 with single day charges of $1. Intertown competitions between teams from neighboring towns received front page coverage.

When the issue of abatement of local taxes came before voters heated discussions ensued.   During World War II only the greens were mowed because fuel was rationed. The fairways were hayed for local farmers and there were victory gardens near the sixth fairway. When it reopened in 1946, there was discussion on whether to continue the course’s operation.

The new field house was built in 1951 with much of the labor and materials being donated by Bradford Academy students, Community Club members and local businesses. In addition to serving as the golf clubhouse, the facilities were available for community and school use.

Dr. James Barton’s history of the course mentions the many adversities it has faced. To attract additional golfers, the annual fee was reduced to $9.99 in 1964. The course has always encounted flooding issues from the Waits River.  In 1973, the flood waters covered the clubhouse. The flood waters contained herbicides from nearby farms that killed much of the course’s grass. In 1998 the fourth tee was washed out.  Recent summer floods have caused the course to be temporarily closed.  

Despite these setbacks, trees have been planted, swampy areas have been filled in and, in 1990, the fourth hole was extended. Ponds have been added to create hazards. Barton summarized the Bradford course as “a very user-friendly course that can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities.”

Compared to Lake Morey and Bradford, Blackmount Country Club is a relative newcomer. The owners are Bob and Linda Stoddard of North Haverhill.  In 1993, despite never having been on a golf course, Bob decided to turn some of their farm’s pastures along Clark Pond Road into a nine-hole golf course and driving range.  Ideas came from books Stoddard read and some advice from a nephew who had course designing experience.

For the next four years, and even as the Stpddards milked 50 cows, the Blackmount course became a reality. It opened in the Fall of 1996. In 2001 a log-cabin style clubhouse and maintenance building  was added.  The Stoddards are the managers, greenkeepers, promoters, and clubhouse staff.

The nine-hole course was described as “a tree-lined tight course that offers a challenge to golfers of all abilities.” Recently, several fairways have been remodeled to create a more open challenge.  

From the first, the Stoddards have reached out to the community in the form of leagues and tournaments for local charities. The Playing for Clover 4-H Tournament began in 1996 and continued for 20 years. Tournaments were also held to benefit the West Newbury Firemen and the Cottage Hospital Auxiliary. Putting the extra effort into tournaments, Bob Stoddard said, was worth it because you cannot have a successful course without community support.

Beginning in 2001 a relationship was created between the course and the Woodsville High golf team. Members were allowed to play for free, a benefit that helped the team achieve state recognition.  Linda Stoddard said that a number of the early players are still active members of the club. 

Although there were earlier ideas for extending the course with an additional nine holes as well as having x-country skiing, neither have happened. Nine-holes fit the current members playing habits and sufficient snow is unreliable.

The Stoddards shared that they have about 130 members with growth in the last two years, including some younger players.  

While much of the golf season has passed, there is still plenty time to play golf before snowfall.  Even for high handicap golfers such as myself, a day on the course is better than a day off it.   


Monday, July 15, 2024

Rack It Up!

Journal Opinion July 3, 2024

Don't Sit On the Tables. Until the early 1940s, the Palace Bowling Alleys on Central Street in Woodsville offered both bowling and pool. The sign over the tables admonished prayers about sitting on the tables.  Soon after this photo was taken, six new candlepin alleys were installed.    

Pictured from the point of view of the pin boys, this photo shows the lanes of the Bradford Bowling Alley.  It operated from 1941 to 1958 and was the center for many women's, men's and youth bowling leagues. Located on what is now Barton Street, the building was most recently used as a bakery. (Bradford Historical Society) 

 “What’s next? This interrogation enters the ears of one just beginning to taste the excitement of games of hazard. For cards, and the bowling alleys and the billiard-room he has acquired an interest.”

Aurora of the Valley, June 27, 1850

This warning came from Newbury’s temperance advocating, anti-gambling newspaper when it repeatedly cautioned of the evils of “the glass of treacherous stimulant” when coupled with “the abodes of affiliated infamy.” These evils were to be found at the bowling saloon and the billiard table.

This column chronicles the history of area pool halls and bowling alleys to the 1960s.  Sources include local newspaper archives, town histories, and personal interviews.

Billiards and pool began to appear locally after the Civil War. Both of these games use tables, cue sticks, and balls, although a billiard table lacked pockets. Bradford’s Trotter House offered billiards before 1876. When that hotel was replaced by the Hotel Low a pool room was included. It also offered cue ball, a tabletop game that combined billiards and bowling. 

 The great Bradford fire of 1883 was believed to have originated in Richey’s Pool Hall in the Hardy Building. The United Opinion editor wrote, “There are those who thought it was all wrong to play pool,  and thought it was, indeed a judgment on Richey’s.” 

Nevertheless, when the new Stevens Block was built to replace the destroyed Hardy Building, there was a pool room. Pool continued to have a presence in Bradford’s Village for the next 60 years.

 About 1901, there was a pool hall in the Clark & Gage building on the corner of Barton and Main. When that building was replaced by the Chimes Restaurant, the hall was relocated to the restaurant basement and then to a small building near what is now the Bradford Post Office. That building was torn down in 1941.

In 1950, Don Welch opened a pool hall in what is now the south end of the Village Store. The Bradford Billiard Room opened in the basement of what is now Barton Dental.

Around 1940, 10-year-old Leonard Dobbins of Bradford began shooting pool in his family-owned pool hall on Main Street. In a recent interview, he described the atmosphere of the pool hall. Local men and boys gathered around the four tables, two to four at each. Some played for money, with several locals described as pool sharks. “They took others for their money,” Dobbins said. Asked if he won money in the games, he said that he “never got that good.”  

The atmosphere was smoky. “Beer was OK, but not a big thing.” Talk revolved about the game, as well as work, local politics, and “gossip if there was anything around.” In addition to pool, there were several tables set aside for poker.

Several local residents remember that, at the time, Johnny Hitchs frequented the Dobbins’ pool hall. Born in Wales, Hitchs worked at the Vaneer mill. When I mentioned his name to these residents they all recalled that Hitchs had one artificial eye. When he left a game to go to the restroom, he would leave that eye on the corner of the pool table, saying “That way I can keep an eye on you guys.”

After 1950, the hall was relocated to the recently demolished South End Market on South Main. The  Dobbins continued to operate a pool hall until 1967.

Over the years, additional pool rooms were located on the second floor of the Doe Building and at the Farmer’s Exchange on South Main.

There were pool halls in other local communities. Pool halls were mentioned in South Ryegate where in 1902, M.H. Gibson “put in a pool table to promote the gayety of nations.” It was still there in 1924. In 1969 Puffer’s Store offered their used pool and billiard tables for sale.

In 1907, Wells River’s Hale’s Tavern added an addition to include a pool room. As early as 1917, there was a pool hall in the Henderson block on Woodsville’s Central Street.

During the building of the Fifteen Mile Dam in 1929, the camp workers at the Connecticut River Development Camp had a pool room for use during their free time. Until 1930, there was a pool hall in North Haverhill. Then it became the local post office.

In 1936, Richard Hinman opened a barber shop and pool room on Chapel Street in Newbury. This was an example of the auxiliary relationship between local barber shops and pool halls or shoe shine stands.

 Bowling alleys began to appear in the period after the Civil War.  One 1877 newspaper article mentioned an old bowling alley in Newbury that “was blown down last winter” but was being replaced.

In the 1880s, candlepin bowling first appeared in Massachusetts. Candlepin bowling features a small ball with three throws in each of 10 frames per string. Its popularity was limited to New England and Eastern Canada.  It was first mentioned in local newspapers in 1901.

Because there was an “old fashioned notion that pool halls attracted a less than wholesome crowd,” Vermont law prohibited a bowling alley from being located on land adjacent to a school or church. As late as 1935, New Hampshire had blue laws against the operation of pool halls and bowling alleys on Sundays.

Some ambitious entrepreneurs combined pool and bowling at a single establishment.

In 1916, Andrew Bagonzi and Charles Maccini opened a bowling alley with three pool tables on Central Street in Woodsville. It was in an 1876 building on the north side near the present-day Railroad Park and later moved across the street. From its earliest years, the business was known as the Palace Bowling Alleys  

The business changed ownership several times, was enlarged in 1937, and underwent renovations in 1940 with six new lanes. At that time, women’s teams were added.  In 1945, it again came under the ownership of the Bagonzi and Maccini families.   

In 1945, young John Williams was one of a group of Groton boys who served as pin boys for the Woodsville bowling alleys. In exchange for free bowling, they set up pins for bowlers. In a recent interview, Williams, who now lives in Bradford, said the boys had to shelter behind a shield to avoid flying pins. The boys continued for about 5 years until automatic pin setters were installed. 

The teams from Woodsville competed with teams from other towns in both local and regional competitions. One such league was the Twin State Bowling League formed by bowlers from Woodsville, Wells River, South Ryegate, Monroe, and Groton.  Bowling results were often front-page news in both the Groton Times and Bradford’s United Opinion.

In 1984, the Armature family purchased the business.  In addition to women’s and men’s leagues, there was a senior bowlers league. That Senior Sunshine Bowling League was established about 1988 and, at times, had up to 100 men and women area bowlers, ranging from 60 to 99 years of age.

 Paul and Linda Allerud of South Ryegate were members of the Senior League when I joined in 2006. Paul told me that candlepin bowling was a family tradition in his Massachusetts hometown. He began bowling when he was about 12.

He recalled that the local Boston television station carried the weekly Bowling for Cash program. It was said that the viewing audience “often exceeded those of the four major professional Boston teams.”  

Allerud joined the local league soon after moving to the area in 2000. As with many others, he started out as a spare and rapidly became a regular. He was a member of the “Gutter Cleaners,” one of 12 four-member teams. He said that the League was a “way to meet new people and have some competition,” things he now misses.

In 2010. Don and Korina Bazzell took ownership, refurbished the alleys. and established the Lane 7 lounge offering a pocket billiard 8-ball league.

In 2016 Nathaniel Swain became the owner of the alleys and lounge giving it the title Room 111. Despite the efforts to attract patrons to the alleys and adjacent lounge, the Covid epidemic was the death knell for this long-time bowling attraction. At the time it closed it was one of the oldest bowling alleys in the nation.

For 16 years there was a bowling alley located in Bradford Village. It opened in October 1941 in the building on Barton Street that until recently was the Colatina Bakery. It had eight lanes and featured candlepin bowling. Charles Barton and William Demetrules were the original owners. Ownership passed to George Getsis and finally to K. Donald Welch.

As with the Woodsville case, there were a number of local teams with bowling as a major and newsworthy entertainment. In 1949, a meeting of 16 men’s teams and 12 women’s teams was held to organize the season’s schedule. In 1950 there were at least 85 enthusiastic team members.

About that time, 12-year-old Bob Benjamin of Bradford began setting pins in exchange for free bowling privileges. In a recent interview, Benjamin recalled having to be prepared when a strong bowler stepped up to the line, as a fast ball came hurling in the direction of the  pin boys. He said that Welch provided regular pin boys with special jackets.

Bradford Academy students had a bowling league and bowling was half-price in the late afternoon for the students.  In the early 1940 Bradford Academy student Geraldine MacIver wrote that girls bowled on Tuesdays. She added, “but other than Tuesday, it is not a very good recreation center for girls.”

In 1955, automatic pin setters were installed in all but two of the alleys.  Ownership changed in 1956 about the time the influence of television began to diminish interest. In February1958 the equipment was sold. The Bradford Bowling Alley was replaced by Welch’s Plumbing and Heating, later by a grocery store, and finally by the bakery. 

There were several other bowling alleys in the area. About 1886, a bowling alley under an open-air pavilion was built at the Maplewood Farm in West Corinth. In 1896, the bowling alley was described as being “smooth as glass.”

Operating as a summer inn for visiting tourists, as a school for boys, and as a location for group parties, the Maplewood Inn offered a number of activities along with its 2-lanes for bowling. The rambling hotel began to decline in the 1940s and fell into disuse until its destruction by fire on Sept. 1, 1958.  

In 1906, Guy Densmore opened a casino at the south end of Fairlee’s Lake Morey. It operated from June to September. It featured four bowling alleys and a billiard parlor with two tables. Frequent dances were a major feature of the summer season.  In 1930 it was sold to Laura Phillips. Eventually, without regular repairs, it was dismantled. 

The earlier issue of gambling in pool halls and bowling alleys returned in the 1930s with the introduction of electric automatic pinball machines. One observer referred to them as “a moral menace tempting both players and observers to gamble, corrupting youth and adults alike.” Both the state and federal governments passed measures to license and tax the machines and made gambling on the outcome of games illegal. 

Unlike many other sports, bowling and pool can be played by adults of any age. My experience with the Senior Sunshine League was one of the highlights of my retirement years.  From my first day of bowling with those seniors, I felt a wonderful combination of inclusivity and friendly competition.

In 2000, Robert Putnam wrote a book entitled “Bowling Alone” about the decline of social groups. For those who enjoyed pool halls and bowling alleys, Putnam’s message resonates. Playing those games locally is now relegated to the home pool table or Wii video game bowling. And that can get a bit lonely

Monday, April 15, 2024

Wrong Side of the Law Part Three


The Orange County Courthouse in Chelsea was built in 1847 in the Greek Revival style by master builder Horace Carpenter.  He also built the Caledonia County Courthouse in 1856 in St. Johnsbury. County courthouses were the site for the adjudication of criminal and civil cases, often with juries composed of county residents. 


This is the third part of a series on crime in the area before 1950. Part one in January covered counterfeiting, horse and auto theft, and prohibition. Part two in March covered robberies, drugs, and adultery.

 In 2020, this column also featured a three-part series entitled “Murder Most Vile.” All of these columns can be found at larrycoffin.blogspot. com or in the archives of the Journal Opinion.

This column deals with assault, animal cruelty, vandalism, black marketeering, domestic abuse, and debt imprisonment. It covers area news items from the early 19th century to 1950.    

Assaults reported in local newspapers during this period ranged from misdemeanors to felonies and from fisticuffs to murderous assault. Some resulted in fines, others in imprisonment. 

Several cases of assault and battery occurred at local election meetings. In March 1875, there was an altercation at the Orange town meeting. Three men attacked Fred Harriman and seriously injured him.

A United Opinion report in 1889 noted that “some years” before, a “party of ruffians” murderously assaulted the clerk at the Corinth District 2 school meeting. As more women were permitted to vote in local meetings, disruptions became less likely.

 On July 2, 1901, Ray Perkins of Orford was seriously injured “as a result of a tussle with a gang of fellows he discovered loitering about the farm where he was employed.”  Perkins was severely wounded. The entire community was “aroused” and a posse formed. The desperadoes, however, made good their escape. 

A newspaper search for assault or brawls, resulted in fewer than one might imagine. Drunken scuffles rarely rose to the level of breach of the peace. If an alcohol-fueled tussle at a Saturday night dance resulted in a black eye or bloody nose, it was usually forgotten on Sunday.

Some actions that are not initially criminal become so as societal attitudes changed. Cruelty to animals is one of those. Prior to the early 1840s, there were no laws regulating the treatment of domestic animals. What a man did to his animals in the privacy of his home was not a legal concern.

Most households had animals, including horses, dogs, and farm animals. Since horse and dog-drawn vehicles were in full public view, it was difficult to hide abuse. There was also organized animal cruelty, such as dog or cock fighting.

New Hampshire and Vermont passed laws against animal cruelty in response to a growing humane movement. Laws carried fines and jail sentences. At first, charges could only be brought against a person for cruelty to animals belonging to another. These were considered offenses against private property with punishments of imprisonment and/or fines “at the discretion of the court.”

New Hampshire’s animal protection law was passed in 1843, and Vermont followed in 1846. Within several decades, these laws were amended to include animals abused by their owners. The Vermont Humane Society was established in 1898.

In 1871, Newbury’s Aurora of the Valley carried an editorial about Keene, NH. “We are almost daily pained at the sight of some uncalled-for abuse.”

 As the animal rights movement gathered support, cases were heard in municipal courts with punishments dependent on the judges’ attitudes. The following are some of those cases. 

In 1903, William Morris of Burlington was fined $14.60 for “driving a horse in a pitiable condition. The court ordered the horse to be shot.  In 1926, a Vermont man received a suspended sentence of six months for leaving “his horse out in the winter cold without a blanket.”

In 1948, a Strafford man was fined $25 and given a suspended 60-day sentence for neglect of his farm animals.

Domestic violence was another “crime” that often remained hidden until the last third of the 20th century.

 As with animals, a man’s family was his property, and what he did in the privacy of his own home was outside of the law. 

Liquor often caused “ruffianly brutality, “a phrase used to describe domestic violence. The Vermont Union newspaper concluded that “with no liquor, there would be no wife beating and no cruelty to little children.”

The following are several cases of spouse abuse reported in local newspapers. There were undoubtedly many more, as victims often did not come forward. In the 19th century, child abuse and spousal rape were not considered crimes and, therefore, not reported.

Courts did not hand out consistent punishment for those found guilty.  In 1876, a Vermont man who “whaled his wife” for not having his breakfast ready, as reported by The North Star, was fined $20. In 1885, a New Hampshire man was fined one cent and costs for wife beating.  He went to jail rather than pay the fine.

In the new century, punishments intensified. In 1901, an Essex Vt man got a 90-day jail sentence. A Bethel man was sentenced to 1 to 3 years. Despite local feelings that this sentence was too lenient, Vermont Governor John McCullous pardoned the man. .

In 1907, a Lamoille County court sentenced a man to 15 months in jail, and in 1919, a Rutland man received a two-year sentence. 

Not all courts were as severe. In 1933. a Rutland court handed down a sentence of 10 days, and in 1939, the same court punished a third-time offender with a 30-day sentence.  In 1947, a man who threw a cup of hot coffee on his wife and then beat her got a fine of $10 and costs. 

It was not until the 1970s that laws against domestic violence began to take effect.    

Debtors prison sounds like something from a Dicken’s novel. One could be imprisoned in New Hampshire and Vermont for debts owed.  Essentially, “it inflicted punishment on those men whose misfortune was made a crime.”

Debtors could be jailed for debts as low as $1. In 1825, one man was confined in the Danville debtors’ prison for 14 years.

The Prison Discipline Society, a reform group, estimated in 1831 that more than 4,000 Vermonters served time each year for debt, in some cases for less than $5.

An imprisoned debtor would be released if supporters paid the debt or if he took the poor debtor oath, stating that he did not have sufficient assets. That was the equivalent of declaring bankruptcy. In practice, debtors’ prison sentences were an incentive to disclose hidden assets.

The reform movement to eliminate imprisonment for debts was successful, first for women in the 1820s, and for men in Vermont in 1838 and in New Hampshire in 1840.

In the years after, persons could still be jailed for non-payment of a civil award. This court order, known as a “close jail certificate or execution,” made the news in three cases in 1949-1950.

The first involved two veterans who were imprisoned in Rutland for indefinite terms for non-payment of an award stemming from automobile accidents.  One of the two had been held in a German prison camp. Veteran groups came to their rescue.

In 1950, the nation’s attention was turned to the case of Hattie Cooke of St. Albans.  The mother of six was imprisoned for non-payment of an auto damage suit of $1,966. She was released after 143 days when she promised to seek employment and make payments.

 “Vandalism is a crime, punishable by fines and free board in an institution.” That is how The United Opinion responded to break-ins in Newbury’s public buildings in 1929. In 1944, The Caledonian-Record added, “Vandalism, hoodlumism, and sloth must be put down by whatever punishment is required,”

Between 1870 and 1950, there were frequent reports of vandalism, “both hostile and malicious.”  It was often accompanying Halloween and the Fourth of July celebrations and carried out by older boys.

Public buildings, cemeteries, signs, and vacant buildings were the targets. In some cases, extensive damage was reported. If the vandals were apprehended and made to appear in local municipal court, they were rarely punished by more than a stiff reprimand and required retribution.   

One exception to this treatment was handed out to two older North Danville men for their 1931 Halloween prank. They removed the planking from a local bridge, creating a serious safety issue. They were sentenced to two to five years of hard labor in the state prison.  

In March 1932, the infant child of Charles and Anne Lindbergh was abducted from his bedroom. It was called “the crime of the century.” The kidnapping and the search for, capture, trial, and execution of the abductor Bruno Hauptmann made headline news in all the local newspapers. Many asked, were local children in danger of being kidnapped?

In July 1931, two children were seized from their front lawn in Strafford by two men. Word was broadcast around the area. Subsequently, their father turned himself in. No criminal charges were pressed.

Sixteen-year-old Charlotte O’Brien of Concord, VT, was held for five days by Kenneth Ingalls, a lumberjack and farmhand, at a location within yards of her home.  He was described as a “jealous suitor.” Ingalls received a prison sentence. He was later given probation but committed suicide. 

At least one category of criminal activity was short-lived. Whenever a product is made illegal, black marketing is inevitable. During World War II, the Office of Price Administration (OPA) enforced rationing on a number of consumer goods to control inflation and equalize distribution. These ranged from sugar, coffee, and meat to tires and gasoline. Americans were issued stamp-filled ration books to be used when purchasing rationed items.

“A Black Market,” The United Opinion reported, “is any violation of price or rationing regulations.  Buying above ceiling, deals and purchase of counterfeit stamps to cover staples sales or get more than their share, sale of meat without collecting ration stamps, all of these things constitute black marketeering.”

With shortages and price freezes, violations of the controls were mentioned in local newspapers. In November, 1942, widespread violations of gasoline rationing were reported. About that time, OPA inspectors ran an automobile check in Woodsville and found 15% in violation, especially among out-of-state motorists. 

In January 1943, all pleasure driving was banned. There were assurances that the “rumors of prosecution for use of gasoline in going to and from church are ridiculous.”

There were stories of “unscrupulous persons selling goods at exorbitant prices regardless of the law.”  As with other prohibitions, charges were brought against dealers rather than consumers.

Even after peace, rationing continued, and local sentences were handed down for illegal tire and gasoline sales as well as “under-the- counter bread sales.”

Several conclusions can be drawn after reviewing newspaper reports of local actions that were on the wrong side of the law during the period before 1950.

When searching for reports of particular felonies, relatively few were found. Crimes elsewhere, especially in urban areas, were fascinating to readers. It might also be assumed that actions that could have risen to the level of felonies were either unknown or underreported. Changes in attitudes changed society’s perception toward what was considered a crime.  

Most locals were law-abiding and had little tolerance for attacks by outsiders on their property or residents. In the 19th century, locals were willing to join a posse to pursue those who broke the law.  

Most felonies were perpetrated by men, and alcohol often played a role. Women were frequently victims, and violence against them went unreported. The closeness to neighboring states and Canada which had laws dissimilar to those of New Hampshire and Vermont created problems for local law enforcement.  

With the exception of those actions covered by federal law, efforts to deal with criminal actions were mainly in the hands of local law enforcement and local courts. This began to change with the creation of state police in New Hampshire in 1937 and Vermont in 1947.        

Perhaps, at some time in the future, I may revisit this topic and focus on the period after 1950 to see if these conclusions continue

Friday, March 15, 2024

Wrong Side of the Law Part Two

 Journal Opinion March 6, 2024

This is the second part of a three-part series on crime in the area before 1950. Part one can be accessed by searching In Times Past, larrycoffin.blogspot.com. It covered counterfeiting, horse and auto theft and prohibition. This column deals with crimes involving robberies, drug violations, and adultery. 

The information is from local newspapers, town histories, and online sources. Orford historian Art Pease generously allowed me to use some examples from his research.

Before establishing a uniformed state police force in New Hampshire in 1937 and Vermont in 1947, the county sheriff was the primary law enforcement officer. A growing number of local police officers, game wardens and private detectives augmented this official.  Federal law officials included U. S. marshals, customs officers and FBI agents.

Criminal Court cases were tried in the county courts with both grand and trial juries selected from the legal voters of the county. Violations of federal statutes were remanded to federal courts. Newspapers carried reports of court sessions.  

Newspapers also reported break-ins at area banks and other businesses. In part one of this series, I wrote of the capture of William Warburton, known as Bristol Bill.

In 1849, he and his gang of counterfeiters were apprehended in Groton. Warburton was also charged with the possession of “burglarious tools for breaking open stores, banks, etc.”   

At trial in Danville, witnesses testified that Warburton and his comrades had considered breaking into a number of area banks. In the winter of 1849, they attempted a night-time robbery of the National Bank of Newbury.

Bank cashier Oscar Hale testified at trial that Warburton had attempted to giant cutters to cut into the bank iron vault door. Warburton was found guilty only on the counterfeiting charges and sent to prison.

That was not the last time the National Bank of Newbury made the news.  In September 1874, a gang of thieves attempted a night-time robbery. According to the North Star account, the gang jimmied a window and, using explosives, attempted to break open the vault. They were successful only in their escape. 

To avoid robbery attempts, that bank’s cashier never carried the bank keys at night but distributed them to several locations.  An attempted burglary the following year in barre illustrated the point of that practice.     

On July 6, 1875, a gang of thieves, including notorious bank robbers George Miles and Peter Alphonsos, invaded the home of Charles King, cashier of the National Bank of Barre.

They tied up his family and then led King to the bank. The thieves entered the building and the vault using the keys from King’s pocket.  However, as the bank had recently installed a chronometer or timed lock they were unable to access the safe. “No one,” King said, “could open it until morning.”

The gang departed with only a bundle of unsigned bank notes. Barre historian Paul Heller wrote of what followed. The local constable sent telegrams to neighboring towns informing them of the gang’s escape.

Orange County Sheriff John Bailey of Wells River took up the chase on a southbound train from the local area.  He captured one of the four who had jumped from the train. The other three escaped.

The bank hired Bailey, who, along with a Boston detective, followed leads to New York City where they apprehended the remaining fugitives.

Newspapers began to use the term yeggs or yeggsmen in reports about professional safecrackers. This pseudonym originated around 1900 and was popularized by the Pinkerton detectives.  It was taken from John Yegg, a well-known professional thief. 

During the night of Aug. 5, 1905, an out-of-state gang, part of a “desperate class of burglars,” attempted a bank heist in Newfane, VT. This yeggs gang used explosives to break open the vault at the Windham County Saving Bank. The noise awoke the neighborhood, which led to an armed response. One of the four professional safe breakers was captured and the others fled.  By January 1906, all were in custody.   

Banks were not the only targets of burglaries. Businesses and private homes were marked for break-ins.  In May 1873, The Bradford Opinion reported the following concerning Orford: “Thieving is getting quite common in this town.”

 What was happening in Orford was occurring in all local towns in varying degrees before 1950.  What follows are samples of such incidents.

The Opinion continued its description of the situation in Orford in August 1874. “As considerable thieving has been going on in town for the past two years, the public will be relieved in knowing that some of the parties now stand a promising chance to learn by law that such work is altogether wrong and reprehensible.”

Within two months,  the responsible gang of thieves had been captured. They were held in the Haverhill jail, tried at Grafton County court in Plymouth, and remanded to the state prison in Concord for terms of 4 to 5 years.

In the summer of 1925, local newspapers reported that “the entire countryside has been aroused” by a series of robberies. Notorious burglar and jail-breaker Stephen Hoppe led the gang.  Hoppe had escaped from a Maine jail and began the spree in Warren on June 24. This was followed by break-ins at the Newbury town office, and then at several locations in Lyme, Woodsville, and Fairlee.

The newspapers reported, “A posse of 50 men led by Fairlee and Orange County authorities were pursuing a band of robbers, last seen fleeing toward Bradford.” The gang of yeggsmen escaped.

 In August, Hoppe was shot while trying to burglarize a store in Proctorsville.  He was tried and given a 14-year prison sentence at Windsor State Prison. He escaped twice. In 1928, he was given a life sentence in Massachusetts for the slaying of a patrolman.

In November 1930, Doe Brothers store in Bradford was robbed during  the night by three men. They stole guns, silverware, watches, and clothing.

The three were captured in Albany and returned for trial. One of the men was still wearing a suit of clothes stolen from the Bradford store. They admitted that they were just passing through Bradford with a carload of liquor and realized there was no nighttime police. They received eight-year maximum sentences for a whole series of burglaries.

 Changing social morals has an impact on what is considered a crime. One example of that is divorce. Before 1840 there were few divorces granted in New England, and many were for adultery.

After 1860, states began to add circumstances for which divorce could be granted. While Vermont was not as quick to add circumstances to the law, desertion, cruelty, and refusal to support were added as causes.

Divorce was considered a social weakness, and there remained “a strong sentiment of indignation” against it. Newspapers began to include names and dates in court reports, probably to the embarrassment of the parties involved. 

Adultery continued to be the cause of marital breakups. In Vermont, there were 571 divorces granted in the five years after 1861, with 175 being for adultery.  

Generally, adultery lead to a civil case resulting in a divorce, often with alimony granted to the injured party.    

However, when other circumstances, such as intolerable severity or non-support, were added it was considered criminal.

 In January 1877, William Arnold was tried for adultery in Orange County Court. He was accused of having an affair with Mrs. Rosanna Whitney in a tryst witnessed by two boys. He was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in Windsor State Prison. The Vermont Supreme Court apparently upheld the penalty.

 As the punishment was deemed very harsh, the Orange County state’s attorney and members of the jury petitioned the governor to pardon Arnold. Arnold died in prison before a pardon could be granted.

In 1924 Eddie Brown, a local man, was charged with the crime of adultery, and after pleading guilty was sentenced to 4-5 years in Windsor.

At that same time a couple from Newbury were charged with the crime of adultery and released on bail. The man was subsequently found not guilty, and the case against the woman was dropped.

In 1929 a Corinth couple was found guilty of adultery and received prison sentences for not less than a year at Windsor and Rutland Women’s Reformatory. In 1931, a man and woman from Strafford were sentenced to 1-2 years in prison. 

In most of these cases newspaper reports did not mention the extenuating circumstances that led to the prison sentences.

Sometimes, legal notices gave more details.  The courts dealt with physical altercations between married couples, resulting in jail time for the perpetrator.

 For example, in 1905, the Orange County court granted a divorce to a Randolph couple based on intolerable severity, neglect and refusal to support. This was just one of a number of similar cases.

In 1949, a Chittenden County man was given 90 days in jail for non-support, and a Corinth woman was arrested for “alienation of affection.”

Part one of this series dealt with violations against prohibitions of alcohol and marijuana. But those ware not the only drugs society has struggled with.

Another prohibition that has led to lawlessness is that against opium. In the early 19th century there was little evidence of opium addiction. However, as the movement against alcohol use began to restrict access, there was increased use of opium.

Available from physicians and druggists, and in patent medicines, there was unrestricted access to opium, morphine and codeine. 

In 1915, to adhere to the new national anti-narcotics law, Vermont passed the first drug law limiting access to narcotics.  

Almost immediately, the smuggling of narcotics from Canada increased to meet the needs of addicts. One newspaper reported in 1915, “A smuggler could secret in his overcoat pocket enough morphine for 10,000 “fiends.”

By 1918, smugglers were making numerous trips to and from Canada. In 1919, two men were captured in Newport with several suitcases “filled with morphine and kindred drugs estimated to be worth $100,000” on the urban black market.

This was part of the increase in illegal narcotics that led to “a wave of addiction.” Virtually all the reports of smuggling linked the drugs to addicts in New York and southern New England

In May 1922, an editorial in The United Opinion suggested there were about 250,00 drug addicts nationwide and “the drug habit is causing serious alarm these days.”

Despite this local alarm and numerous newspaper articles about drug activity nationwide, there were few arrests of Vermonters as drug addicts. Those that were arrested were confined to Waterbury State Hospital for treatment. At least one Vermont physician was arrested for illegal prescribing practices.  

A bold headline in the Rutland Daily Herald in March 1924 reported the seizure of $60,000 worth of bootleg narcotics being smuggled by an international drug ring. 

The following year, a Burlington speaker on the war on opium smuggling spoke on drug addiction in Vermont. He stated that the Champlain Valley was “the gateway of the North for smugglers.” 

The illegal traffic of narcotic drugs through Vermont continued through the period before World War II. Smugglers captured by federal enforcement officials were tried in federal courts throughout the state.

In 1933, William and George Nichols of Barre were found guilty of selling heroin to federal agents. On appeal, they were released because of entrapment. 

In 1940, a Bureau of Narcotics spokesman reported “illegal sale of narcotic drugs has been no problem in Vermont since 1931.”

While the availability of illegal drugs declined during World War II, there was a resurgence of smuggling nationwide in the post-war period. 

In 1947, the U.S. Border Patrol considered a reduction of personnel along the Vermont-Canadian border. One official reported that the patrols have “managed to keep smuggling down to an inconsequential trickle.” Of greater concern was smuggling along the border with Mexico and other ports of entry.

A review of area newspapers from 1860 to 1950 confirmed that Vermonters were less likely to be involved in criminal activity than the residents of other states, especially those with large urban centers.

 It also established locals’ interest in criminal activity when nearby or elsewhere. Local headlines were often boldly sensational even when the news was not from the local area.  As with news outlets today, bad news sells.

What was initially a two-part series on criminal activity in Vermont now has expanded into three. Next month, the series will include assault and battery, black marketeering, fraud, and other illegal activities.

Windsor State Prison served as Vermont's maximum security prison for men convicted of felonies.  It operated in that town from 1809 to 1975. It was also the location for executions.  In its latter period of operation, it was described as "ancient, decaying and depressingt."


Friday, February 9, 2024

Wrong Side of the Law (Part One)


Counterfeiter William Warburton, nicknamed "Bristol Bill" operated out of a house in Groton.  In 1849 he and his gang were arrested and their printing press and coper plates seized. 
During Prohibition, Vermont was on the frontline for smuggled Canadian liquor. In this photograph, U.S. Customs officials pose at the Swanton border in 1923 with captured alcohol. ( Courtesy of the Vermont Historical Society)  

Journal Opinion January 24, 2024

This is the first of a two-part series on crime in the area before the 1950s. The information is from local newspapers, town histories and online sources. Orford historian Art Pease generously allowed me to use some examples from his history of crime in that community.

I have not included murder in this series, as I completed a three-part coverage of that crime in the past.  That is posted on my blog at larrycoffin.blogspot.com under “Murder Most Vile.”

In this column, I explore some examples of counterfeiting, horse and auto theft, and violations of alcohol and marijuana prohibitions. 

Before establishing a uniformed state police force in New Hampshire in 1937 and Vermont in 1947, the county sheriff was the primary law-enforcement officer. A growing number of local police officers and game wardens augmented this official. Federal law enforcement officers included U. S. marshals and FBI agents.

From the 18th century well into the 20th century counterfeit money was a chief crime.

Counterfeiting of local bank notes added to the mistrust of currency in early New England.  Counterfeiters not only printed fake bank notes but altered real bills to manipulate the face value.  It was difficult for the average person to distinguish between the real and the bogus.

Counterfeiters also altered or fabricated replicated coinage. Sometimes, it was as simple as paring off the silver from the edge of coins. To prevent this coin clipping, later coins had a reeded or ridged edge which they continue to have today.

 In 1874, the Bradford Opinion carried the story of Devil John Martin, an early Bradford resident. Using a nearby cave for his operation, Martin and his gang melted down old teapots and other items to create coinage. They also counterfeited currency. This may be just a good story, as I could find no other references to Martin.

While some counterfeiters escaped punishment, others did not. In 1795, Vermonter Seba Beebe had his right ear cut off and his forehead branded with a “C” after being convicted of counterfeiting.  

In 1804, the Thomas Call gang operated out of a private home in New Boston, New Hampshire  They were apprehended with as much as $20,000 in fake currency and tried. Call escaped from jail and was spotted in Lebanon, NH. Soon after, it was reported that he drowned.  

Three other notorious counterfeiters operated locally. The first, Stephen Burroughs was described as a “most shrewd and accomplished villain.” In 1806, Orange County’s Sheriff Mica Barron of Bradford traveled to Lower Canada and apprehended Burroughs. 

In 1808, Augustus Bartlett was caught with counterfeit $10 bills and, after a trial in Caledonia Superior Court, was sent to the newly-opened Windsor Prison. At that time, about one-half of the convicts there were counterfeiters. 

In 1849, counterfeiter William Warburton, nicknamed “Bristol Bill,” and his partner Christian Meadows operated with their gang out of a house in Groton. Recognition of a gang member by a local bank employee led to the arrest of the entire gang, Their printing press and copper plates were seized.

In 1865, the U.S. Secret Service was created to deal with widespread counterfeiting.  At that time, as much as one-third of all currency was bogus. The number of newspaper notices of counterfeiting declined in the late 19th century.  But it did not disappear completely.

In 1933, The United Opinion noted that the Secret Service reported that counterfeiting had increased due to the rise in unemployment due to the Great Depression.   “When we have hard times, we also have more counterfeiting,” the report declared. “More counterfeit has been seized since 1929 than in any other period.”

In 1937, the newspaper carried the report that a New York gang that had been operating in Vermont had been apprehended. They were responsible for one-half of the counterfeit funds in the nation.

Of course, counterfeiting was not the only crime. Throughout the 19th century there were frequent reports of horse theft. It was a serious offense as personal horses were both a family’s mode of transportation and essential to farming and businesses.

 Some horse thieves were accomplished professionals and others quite amateurish. An example of the latter occurred in May 1856 when a young man from Lyndon Center “helped himself to a horse in Waterford.” He took the horse to St. Johnsbury and attempted to sell the horse to Hiram Hill. It turned out that the horse was Hill’s. Despite a quick getaway across the Passumpic River, the thief was caught and convicted. 

In January 1860, John Leger, “a notorious horse thief” who had recently been released from Concord State prison, stole a horse and sleigh in Charlestown, NH. Notice of the theft was sent by telegram to towns up and down the valley.

Fairlee Police officer Kibey, having received the telegram about the theft, recognized Leger and arrested him. He held the thief until officials from Charlestown arrived.  Leger was notorious enough to have his arrest carried in most Vermont newspapers.

 After the 1850s, Anti-Horse Thief Associations formed in several western and southern states. These groups developed methods for apprehending those who stole horses and other animals and lobbied for strict punishments.  Despite western stories to the contrary, they did not lynch horse thieves. I found no evidence of similar organizations in Vermont or New Hampshire. 

Edward Montague, a “noted horse thief,” was arrested for theft and held in the Grafton County jail in August 1872. He had stolen teams in both Orford and Lebanon. Montague confessed to having taken 17 horses within the last year and about 80 in the previous three years’ time. This was not his first arrest, as he had previously been arrested in New York for obtaining funds under false pretenses.

In 1896, Frank Emery was captured in Rutland. The 45-year-old man had been stealing horses for most of his life and had spent a good deal of it in prison.  Horse thieves were getting up to 6 years of hard labor at that time.

In 1894, horse thief Charles Rufus Young was given ten years at Windsor. He was released for good behavior and again began to steal horses.  He was re-arrested in Rutland in 1903 but died “as a result of injuries received when captured.” In all, he stole at least 75 horses and spent decades in jail.  

Local newspapers carried many news items about the theft of other animals, including cattle and chickens. They were primarily stolen from backyards or barns. In 1871, three residents of Orford were apprehended for stealing sheep. Thefts increased during hard times, when food shortages forced individuals to turn to robbery. 

The arrival of the automobile and the decline in the number of horses after 1913 led to the following editorial in the local newspaper, “The thief seems to be a permanent member of society varying his field to keep abreast of the inventions. We used to have the horse thief, then came the bicycle thief, and now the automobile thief has appeared.”

In 1913, the Opinion featured several notices warning people to lock their cars. It went on to suggest, “The auto thief has many things more his way because all he needs to know is how to drive a car. He can then make a quick getaway…” 

Some cars were “simply misappropriated, sometimes by persons who needed a ride and, sometimes, by joy riders…who left the car after a night of pleasure.”

 It was reported in the mid-1920s that “about 92% of all stolen cars are recovered, although many were damaged.” This recovery rate resulted from “organized co-operation and unremitting effort on the part of automobile clubs and the police.”

As with other crimes, there were organized gangs of auto thieves. One unlucky bunch was apprehended in Groton in December 1927.  They had unfortunately stolen the car of a retired sheriff in Montpelier, resulting in “an exciting man-hunt.” They were found with the “loot” from a Bradford break-in and lodged in the Caledonia Jail. 

In the early 1930s, automobile theft rings operated in Vermont. One gang operated a “stolen car racket” in which they brought stolen cars from Massachusetts.  In August 1931, one such car was found in Wells River. The FBI reported that 70% of auto thefts were by individuals under 25.  

And then there was alcohol.

“No crime is, perhaps, attended with more evil consequences to society and individuals than that of drunkenness.” This statement from the Vermont Council of Censors in the early nineteenth century reflected an attitude that, as its support grew, led to a state-wide prohibition on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in Vermont in 1853 and New Hampshire in 1855. In 1918, the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the resulting Volstead Act extended this prohibition nationwide.  

There is no doubt that, despite these laws to the contrary, liquor was manufactured and consumed in the area, creating a whole group of outlaws. Prohibition just drove underground what had been widely practiced beforehand.  Except for actions resulting from public drunkenness, only those who manufactured or sold alcohol were actually considered lawbreakers.

Several articles about illegal activity appeared in the Bradford Opinion in the summer of 1879. In the Corinth column was the following, “Several illicit distillers of cider brandy in Corinth have been arrested.” The following week this notice appeared, “Our correspondent concludes that West Fairlee Center is getting to be a dangerous place for peaceable people. Is it on account of cider brandy leaking down through Bear Notch?”

That August, three businesses in Bradford, including the Trotter House and the Vermont House were investigated for the sale of intoxicating drinks.  By the time investigators arrived, all evidence of this illegal activity vanished.   

Alcohol sales were legal in Canada, and as a result, Vermont and New Hampshire were on the frontline of smuggling. The United Opinion carried news reports of illegal activities and law-enforcement responses almost weekly. 

Elders interviewed by students in my Oxbow history classes told stories of bootleggers of illegal alcohol hiding “hooch” in innocent neighbors’ outbuildings. In more than one local community, smugglers of Canadian alcohol established regular delivery routes.  A heavily loaded car would arrive at a designated time and place, flash its headlights as a signal, and out of the darkness would come the customers.

While efforts were made to interrupt smuggling at the border, smugglers made their way along local supply routes to markets south. Elders told of heavy automobiles speeding along local roads, often followed by pursuing enforcers. 

Some smugglers were apprehended. In May 1927, a car with 375 bottles of Canadian ale was captured at Wells River. The individuals were brought to court in Bradford and the contents were destroyed by being poured off the Bradford bridge into the Waits River.  

Even after Prohibition came to an end, smugglers, to avoid federal taxes, still moved large amounts of Canadian liquor through northern New England. One “rum-running fraternity” operating out of East Barnet and Lyndonville, used stolen cars.

The other prohibition that received local news coverage was that of narcotic drugs, including cannabis.   In 1915, Vermont prohibited its sale for recreational use. In the 1930s, there was increased publicity against marijuana. Several Vermont newspapers carried the warning that “its most diabolical use has been in the form of cigarettes which have been sold by unscrupulous peddlers to high school students.”

Patches of wild marijuana were found in several Vermont towns and in neighboring New York. Despite the statement by officials that “though investigations failed to disclose any traffic in the drug in the State, there was a campaign against this “Devil’s Weed.” This included local programs to inform citizens. 

The 1936 film “Reefer Madness” reflected the image that the use of marijuana was likely to cause insanity, with its user becoming “a raving maniac.” The film was shown in Vermont theatres in 1940, including at Barre’s Opera House.

In 1947, Vermont adopted the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act that included a mandatory prison sentence of one to five years for the manufacture, sale or possession of narcotics including marijuana. After the 1960s, the growing and use of marijuana became a local issue. By the early 1980s, the region had become “a garden spot for marijuana cultivation.”     

 The next chapter in this series will include a section on legislation to deal with Vermont’s opium epidemic as well as the crimes of arson, assault, robbery, and black-marketing. Look for it in late February.


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sing a Song of Christmas

 Journal Opinion Dec 20, 2023

The North County Chorus rehearses for a performance in a 2012 photograph. The chorus, founded by the late Harry Rowe of Wells River, has been a Christmas season mainstay for decades in the Twin States.

At the 2013 Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Events, sponsored by the Piermont Town Common Committee, Piermont Village School students led by music teacher Laurel Dodge, sung carols around the Christmas tree and decorated the tree with ornaments. 

“Beneath the familiar melodies and words, Christmas songs reveal a portrait of the American psyche past and present, wishing simultaneously to embrace nostalgia, commerce, charity, carnival, romance, and travesty.” Ronald B. Lanford Jr. A Cultural History of American Christmas Songs.

In past Decembers, I have written columns on the general history of Christmas as well as specific themes such as, Santa Claus, Christmas foods, gifts and Christmas pageants and parades. They are posted on my blog at larrycoffin.blogspot.com. have only included enough bi

This column about Christmas music. It exlores the roots of sacred carols and the development of modern Christmas songs.  How residents listened to and performed these musical pieces is included.

I have only included bits and pieces to remind readers how hard it is to imagine the Christmas season without favorite sacred and secular holiday music

Many of the most popular Christmas carols were brought to this country by European migrants. Favorites such as “O Come All Ye Faithful,”” Good King Wenceslas,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and “Good Christian Men, Rejoice” have been part of their Christmas festivals for centuries. 

In the 19th century, there was renewed interest in Christmas songs and carols. “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear” (1849) and “Away in A Manger” (1885) reflected a religious theme, while “Jungle Bells” (1857) was a rare secular piece.

“Silent Night, Holy Night” was written in 1818 by Austrians Franz Xaver Gruber and Josef Mahr. It was first performed in America in 1839.Many touching stories are connected with this carol, including it being sung simultaneously by French, German and English soldiers during a temporary 1914 Christmas truce in World War I.

In 1943, Bradford’s United Opinion reprinted the story of a group of American sailors on Guadalcanal. Their ship had been sunk, and they found themselves on the island during the battle with only the supplies provided by adjacent Marine companies.

But on the Sunday before Christmas, “the men stood in the mud and listened as the band played carols. It had rained the night before and the jungle was moist and hot and steaming, and the moisture had its effect on the instruments. But the band played and the men sang, Silent Night, holy night…it was a long way from Bethlehem to the South Pacific.”

Before the early 20th century, Americans purchased their favorite Christmas music on sheet music or Christmas music books to play in their own homes. It was not uncommon for groups to gather around the family piano or sing in choral groups. Advent and Christmas church services included traditional carols sung by the congregation and choirs.

 In the 1920s, community members gathered around the Community Christmas tree at Memorial Park in Bradford or on the Common in Lyme. Going caroling around local villages was often mentioned in the Opinion.

In 1927, Bradford carolers serenaded shut-ins, as did Newbury’s Sabbath School’s children in 1928 and Fairlee girls in 1931. In 1955, the Methodist Youth Fellowship of Bradford continued a tradition that is still performed area groups today. 

Well into the late 20th century, community notes in the Opinion mentioned the singing of Christmas music by members of local clubs during December meetings. These included Women’s Clubs and Church organizations. 

Public school students of all ages were involved in Christmas pageants and festivals. Significant in these was the group singing of Christmas music. 

Beginning in the 1880s, Christmas cantatas were offered in many local towns.  A cantata is a narrative piece of music for voice and instruments. It usually includes solos as well as choral numbers. Pieces include both sacred and secular music.

Church choirs, youth and school choruses as well as community groups offered these holiday programs. Soloists included talented locals and visiting guest performers. 

Newspaper notices of rehearsals, performances and reviews of Christmas cantatas were commonplace after 1888.  The notice of the upcoming 1897 East Corinth production of “Santa’s Surprise” mentioned: “The whole piece is very nice and promises to be one of the nicest Christmas entertainments given in this place for a long time.”

In 1951, the Bradford Congregational Church chorus took their “Christmas Bells” cantata on the road. When they performed in West Fairlee Center on Dec 16, the audience was appreciative but small, as the temperature was 28 degrees below.  

Performances were in town halls, school buildings and churches. Sometimes, chorus groups from several towns would combine their talents. In 1963, Bradford Academy and Woodsville, Wells River and Haverhill High Schools choruses combined to present two Christmas concerts.

Of all the local choral groups, the North Country Chorus stands out. This year’s Christmas program was their 75th. Their first Christmas concert was held on Dec 1, 1947 at the Littleton Methodist Church. 

Within a month, the group formally organized, and the first Christmas North County Chorus concert was held in the Woodsville Methodist Church in 1948. That year’s performance of Handel’s “Messiah” was the first of many times the group included that oratorio in their annual holiday program.

In 1951, Wells River’s Mary Whitney Rowe became conductor, continuing until 1994 when her son Alan Rowe took over. In 1957, Bradford’s Katrina Munn and Warren Geissinger became accompanists. The group performs in a variety of venues around the area.

Another group that performs locally during the Christmas season is the all-women Pine Hill Singers.   Formed in 1996, the rehearsals are held in Littleton. This year’s program included “music, both classical and traditional, from across continents and centuries, of winter light and snowy landscapes.” The director is Judy Abbott and Anita Bonnevie is the accompanist.

The Upper Valley Voices, previously known as the Thetford Chamber Singers, also offers a holiday concert in Thetford and Hanover. Approximately 25 area singers perform a program of holiday-inspired music from the Renaissance to the present day.  Kevin Quigley is their director and Henry Danaher is the accompanist.

The early focus on formal and informal group singing, changed with the introduction of the radio, phonographs, motion pictures, and later, television and the internet. Americans were more likely to listen to Christmas music than to sing it. 

Recordings of Christmas music were first heard on wax cylinders. In the 1890s, disc records were introduced. Companies, such as Victor Records, offered Christmas music to be played on record players. In 1909, a Burlington Free Press advertisement listed Victor’s recorded version of “Silent Night.”

The first radio broadcast of a Christmas carol was in Dec 1906. Engineer Reginald Fessenden played “O Holy Night” on his violin in a transmission heard only by ship radio operators along Massachusetts’s Atlantic coast. 

Commercial radio began broadcasting in 1920.  As the number of stations increased, they included Christmas music in their programming.

Between 1935 and 1953, the radio program  “Your Hit Parade” was broadcast every Saturday night. It was also a television program from 1950 to 1959. The radio program coincided with the introduction of some of the most well-known Christmas songs.

 These included “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” (1943), “Let It Snow” (1945),” The Christmas Song” (1946), “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” (1949), “Frosty the Snowman” (1950), and “Silver Bells” (1950). All of these are still included among the most frequently played holiday songs.   

There was a Bradford Five and Ten advertisement in December 1948 for holiday records. They featured artists such as Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Gene Autry, and Fred Waring. 

One of the top Christmas songs since its introduction is Judy Garland’s song “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.” Written by Ralph Bane and Hugh Martin, it first appeared in 1944 in the MGM film “Meet Me In St. Louis.” The film was shown locally in 1945, including at Tegu’s Orpheum in Woodsville. 

No contemporary Christmas song was proven more popular  than the one  written by Irving Berlin and introduced by Bing Crosby on his NBC radio program on Christmas Day, 1941.  Entitled “White Christmas,” it was written for the film “Holiday Inn.” By October, the song was number one on Your Hit Parade where it stayed for 10 weeks.

It was the number-one single in 1942, 1943 and 1944.  In 1943, it received the Academy Award for Best Song. It holds the distinction of being the world’s best-selling record, with over 50 million sold.

 “White Christmas changed Christmas music forever, both by revealing the high potential market for Christmas songs and by establishing the theme of home and nostalgia that would ring through Christmas music evermore,” wrote Dave Marshall and Steve Propes in the book about the song.

The original film was remade in 1954 as “White Christmas,” and unlike the original film, was placed, but not filmed, in Vermont.  The popular movie, starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Vera-Ellen, and Rosemary Clooney, was shown at the Bradford and Fairlee movie houses and at the Woodsville and Fairlee drive-in theaters in 1955.

I spoke with three radio stations about their Christmas music schedule.  Waterbury’s WDEV went on the air in 1931. After December first, they begin to “sprinkle” Christmas music into their schedule.

WYKR’s Teresa Puffer said they begin selections the day after Thanksgiving and build up to an all-Christmas music program from noon on Christmas Eve until midnight on the 25th. They did try starting on Thanksgiving Day, but got a negative audience reaction. 

 Helen Lyons, musical director for Vermont Public Classical, mentioned that the station follows about the same schedule. However, in addition to classical selections and orchestra holiday pops, the station includes Hanukkah music.   

I asked readers in an informal survey how they felt about Christmas music.  Favorites ranged from popular selections such as Jingle Bells and Away In a Manger” to less well known selections from “Amahl and the Night Visitors” and singles “Mele Kalikimaka” and “Fairy Tale of New York.”

When asked what selection made them cringe, respondents listed “I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer,” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” The latter was described as both a song of inclusiveness and one of “blatant bullying.”

Asked about when radio stations and stores should begin broadcasting Christmas music, most respondents were opposed to starting too early, generally meaning before December 1.  Some felt the effectiveness of making the season bright, wore off after weeks and weeks of repetition.  Those who supported music being played at all, favored the all-Christmas day programming.

Some respondents glowed in their feelings about Christmas music. For them, it made the season and t reminded them of earlier times.  One told me he remembered listening to them with his grandparents, and when he hears Christmas music, it made him think of them.  Several spoke of memorizing a wide selection and singing them either in organized groups or alone.  

Others were very critical of how Christmas music is foisted on unappreciative listeners. One wrote that music on the radio or in stores yearly remind her that “not all folks celebrate the holiday, and the music only serves to divide us more.”

There are others for whom Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas” (1957) has a deeper meaning as Christmas music reminds them of those they have lost or of unhappy holidays of their past. 

As a reminder that Christmas music has different meanings at different ages, I attended Christmas Eve services in the mid-1970s when Rev Robert Robb of Piermont would ask for their favorite carols. Snuggled between Little Town of Bethlehem and the candlelit finale  “Silent Night,” a small voice might ask for “The Santa Claus Song.”

Katherine Babbott of Thetford Center shared the following story. Her family was attending their church Christmas singalong. Carly, the children’s favorite babysitter, was in charge and invited those gathered “to raise their hand and request a Christmas song.

Our little boy twin, age 4, raised his hand and politely proclaimed, ‘Please sing the ABC song!’ at which point Carly said ‘Ok, let’s sing the ABC song!’ It was a special moment in our church and our lives when the choir and congregation responded in a rousing chorus of the ABC song. There were many smiles and tears at the beauty and innocence of the moment.”

Even while wondering if the annual onslaught of Christmas music may be too soon and too much, many cannot imagine the Christmas season without it.  Whether its background music in the stores, television specials, radio broadcasts, or songs by local performers or selections from their home collection, many find themselves humming or singing along to their favorite song performed by their favorite singers.

And having a Merry Christmas.